Apply Now
Apply for a Loan at your convenience in as little as 15 minutes! Make sure to get your Pre-Approval letter before you start shopping for your new home! Need a Pre-Approval Letter same day, then complete steps 1-3 and send all your required documents as early as possible. Call me ASAP on my cell (904) 504-4711 if you want to submit an offer and require the Pre- Approval Now.
Complete Your Application for a Home Loan
Get Your Credit Report(s)
Complete using your legal name found on your driver’s license. This will require you to order your credit report with a credit card charge of $28.88 per single applicant or $52 if you add a spouse. You will also get a copy of your Credit Report.
Complete Your Borrower
application process.
Once You Complete Your Application With All 3 Steps, Gather the Following:
(You may email/fax or upload the documents in your online application)
-Copy of Driver’s License/ID and SS card ( 2 forms of ID)
-Last 2 years personal tax returns (1040s) with all schedules and all pages
-Last 2 years W2/1099 forms for all employers
-Last 30 days pay stubs for all employees
-Last 2 months bank statements (all pages) – verification of down payment and closing costs.
Receiving Social Security, Disability, Veteran Income?
-Last quarterly retirement statement (all pages)
-Social Security award letter from
-Veterans administration (VA) benefits statement
-Award letter for disability benefits
-Last 2 months bank statements (all pages) showing deposits for benefits
-Veterans to provide a copy of the Certificate Eligibility and DD-214
Are You A Current Homeowner? I Will Need These Whether or Not You Plan On Keeping Your Primary Residence:
-Most recent mortgage statement
-Homeowners Insurance Declarations Page
-Copy of Survey for current home
-Copy of title insurance policy
Additional information may be required after review. Please reach out to me with any questions.
Have Questions?
If you still have questions about the process, get in touch with us and we can help you step by step.
Home Purchase
Home Refinance
confusing. We can help you refinance with ease.
Home Equity
advantage can help you in many situations.
See how we can help.
Apply for a loan at yourĀ convienceĀ in as little as 15 Minutes!
Apply for a loan at your convenience in as little as 15 Minutes! Make sure to get your Pre-Approval letter before you start shopping for your new home! Need a Pre-Approval Letter same day, then complete steps 1-3 and send all your required documents as early as possible. Call me ASAP on my cell (904) 504-4711 if you want to submit an offer and require the Pre-Approval NOW.
Once You Complete Your Application With All 3 Steps, Gather the Following:
(You may email/fax or upload the documents in your online application)
-Copy of Driver’s License/ID and SS card ( 2 forms of ID)
-Last 2 years personal tax returns (1040s) with all schedules and all pages
-Last 2 years W2/1099 forms for all employers
-Last 30 days pay stubs for all employees
-Last 2 months bank statements (all pages) – verification of down payment and closing costs.
Receiving Social Security, Disability, Veteran Income?
-Last quarterly retirement statement (all pages)
-Social Security award letter from
-Veterans administration (VA) benefits statement
-Award letter for disability benefits
-Last 2 months bank statements (all pages) showing deposits for benefits
-Veterans to provide a copy of the Certificate Eligibility and DD-214
Are You A Current Homeowner? I Will Need These Whether or Not You Plan On Keeping Your Primary Residence:
-Most recent mortgage statement
-Homeowners Insurance Declarations Page
-Homeowners Association Statement showing payment options (If Applicable)
-Copy of Survey for current home
-Copy of title insurance policy